5 Signs Your Website Needs A Re-Design

Nothing is forever. You might have designed a tip-top website that you were enormously proud of a few years back, but the internet is forever evolving, and at an astonishingly rapid pace. If you’re averse to change, you’re going to get left behind. Chances are, a landing page that looked terrific a few years ago won’t look quite so good anymore. Listed here are five signs that your website is in desperate need of a redesign.

1. It’s Tough To Find Your Way Around

If you can’t find your way around your own website with ease, a customer isn’t going to have the slightest chance. Websites have developed to the point where navigation has become extremely easy, and if your domain is stuck in the dark ages where search bars and tabs are non-existent, any potential customers will take one quick, scornful look at your site before promptly bailing out. Remember, the human attention span is not showing any signs of lengthening! Take the time to have a good long look at your webpage, and if finding a particular piece of information proves difficult, make sure you put “ease-of-navigation” at the top of your priority list when it comes to revamping.

2. It’s Not Optimised For Mobile

Mobile web browsing is more common than ever nowadays, and if your website isn’t optimised for smartphones and tablets, you’re going to be missing out on a large number of hits and potential customers. Any webpage that’s more than a few years old is unlikely to be optimised for smaller portable and touchscreen devices – and if your site falls into this category, you’ll need to get thinking about making it suitable for mobile browsing as quickly as possible. Today’s sites need to be able to detect the kind of device a visitor is using, and adapt accordingly.

3. It’s Not Visible On Search Engines

If your website is stuck on page 31 of Google, the odds suggest that it’s never going to get seen. To boost your site higher up the search engine rankings, you’ll need to take the time to post fresh and relevant content on a regular basis, whilst also keeping the vital art of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in mind. Without taking these actions, your website is forever doomed to sit in the lower reaches of Google’s result pages, that almost nobody ever visits.

4. It Lacks Strong Calls To Action

If your site is trying to sell something, you’ll need a wide selection of strong Calls To Action across several pages, in order to convince visitors to keep hanging around. These are more important than ever in the world of website design, and without effective CTA’s placed at appropriate points around your site, your potential customers will tend to wander away from it without buying your wares.

5. It Looks Old

A no-brainer really, but if a website looks a little dated it’ll send customers running for the hills rather than keeping them curiously clicking around. It’s worth making every effort to develop your website into something slick and sexy – and doing some serious research into the kind of user-friendly applications and elements that’ll work specifically for your target audience.